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"You Gonna Learn Today”!

As I was driving home tonight from church and looking at the bigger than usual bright "lesser light" in the sky, otherwise known as the moon, I was asking the Lord, "please show me more information about the moon". I also asked him, "how is it Lord, that sometimes it is bigger looking, like a big bright orange light and even tonight, it seems bigger than usual as well??" Questions that are still on my list and don't know if I will ever find out the answers. I know I don't have all the answers about God's creation, what a lot of us call the Flat Earth, but what I do know is, it is true and it has drawn me closer to HIM, by studying it. Also by hearing more and more people share it as they have come to learn about it when they share it across all platforms. That alone makes me feel strengthen with confidence by hearing others speak about it.

So for tonight's post, I want to share one of those people, which I have been learning from for the last 4 years. He is not someone that I view regularly, but he pops up here and there, but every time I hear him speak, in my opinion, I hear someone that definitely has leaned in on hearing clearly from the Lord, because he has dug into The Word to learn those details about the beautiful flat earth in which we live IN!

Here's a snippet from FLAT OUT TRUTH with what he would like to teach us today.

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