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"What do you think?"

So many things we have been taught point us to believe "it's a globe"!

UNTIL.. you get your Tin Foil Hat on and start researching!

Though I would express to research what God has showed us right in his word.

Sure a lot of people know Genesis but do they know? It wasn't until 4 years ago when I was shared about God's creation that I REALLY READ Genesis 16!

16) Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.

A light!

I recently learned in a Wednesday night class at church a statistic which only 9% of Christians read the bible daily. Then I raised the question to my fellow classmates and instructor... " I wonder what percentage out of that 9% really know and believe everything in their bible?"

Now I am by far, one to tell you I know the bible inside and out, because I DO NOT!! BUT what I will tell you is that I deeply feel closer to my Lord, now that I woke up to the WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD!

Thanks for joining the STLT team here for another brief blog waking up to the truth about God's Creation!

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