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Truth is available… here’s a start!

Last week I had shared TRUTH from the PULPIT... a Philadelphia area Pastor, came forward to teach his church the truth about God's creation. Since then I have heard from a couple people with their "finds" on their research of God's creation and I am overwhelmed with gladness of what short informational videos to share on this week's blog. Excited to share more as time goes on.

But first, I want to share with what I heard at bible class tonight. We are studying "Biblical Citizenship in Modern America". It's a fascinating class. They move a little quick through the video, but awesome material to share. (I recommend it for anyone who is a patriot and wants to learn more about history.) Then you hear one of the speakers share that he had a personal conversation with one of the "astronauts" Charlie Duke and how Charlie said "the computer we hold in our hands today (our cell phones) are more powerful than the technology that we had back in the 60's when we landed on the moon." Well I would have to say so, due to the fact that we did NOT land on the beautiful light the Lord created.

Gen 1:16 Then God made two great [d]lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night.

That statement reminded me of what Pastor Omar said from his sermon videos and shared that exact same statement!

Now do you really think the power we have in our phones, are going to be more powerful than the technology they had back in the 1960's to get a man to the moon?

Absolutely not.

This confession video reminded of a movie I recently watched with a couple of friends. It's called, "Fly me to the Moon". I recommend watching this!

Thanks for visiting with me here at STLT again!

Until next blog post,

keep reading your bible and digging into God's creation... because the Truth is available!

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