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Rising with the Sunsets

Aug 12, 2021

As you look at these pictures, position yourself inside the aircraft and ask what direction am I tipping my head to view the sunset??

Answer: straight out or downward, right?

If the sun is million miles away, how can it be setting below us if we are the ones moving.

Throughout God's word, it tells us the sun set and rises. Therefore, IT is moving.

Take notice on how seemingly close the sun is!

Psalm 19:4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,

I'll leave you with these posts for this week's lesson.

As always, please pray for the Holy Spirit's wisdom, God to give you discernment.

I do NOT claim to be a bible scholar or teacher of any degree. Again, my mission here is to take what God has given me to share with others, and point out what has been right in front of us for ALWAYS!

Until next time...

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