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Mt. Everest - Tallest or Shortest?

Hello! As STLT shared on 2/12/2024 we are BACK! We have so missed writing in my blog and with great excitement looking very forward to bring further knowledge of this great Flat Earth Education.

Today we start out with Mt. Everest. Is it the tallest peak or was it the "shortest"?

Read the description inside the picture below to think about your answer to the above question.

"This not only proves God’s creation in Genesis dividing the water from the land, but more so The Great Flood." ~ Quoting an STLT's close relative who stated this after sharing today's picture with me. 1/28/2024

The Great Flood Genesis 7 (NKJV)

Especially pointing out key verses 7:3-4, 10-11, 17 & 19.

:3 "on the face of all the earth"

:4 "from the face of the earth"

:10 "the waters of the flood were on the earth".

:11 the fountains of the great deep were broken up and the windows of heaven were opened.

:17 Now the flood was on the earth forth days. The waters increased and lifted up the ark; and it rose high above the earth.

19: ...and all the high hills under the whole heaven were covered.

I would like to point out key words in those verses. Think on these words:


Where does marine limestone come from?

Most limestone layers formed from marine sediment deposited on sea floors, although some formed in freshwater lakes and rivers and even on dry land. (Source:

DISCLOSURE: Through any sources that can better define wording in our posts, STLT Team state we do not believe in "millions of years ago" statements from any of its sources.

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