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Moon Landing?? Which one?

Oct. 6 2021,

Let's talk about the Moon Landing today OR the lack of one, shall we??? "I don't think we landed on the moon!" Someone made this comment from my past. He got me thinking about this comment, but... not right away! Not only did I put that comment in the way back of my mind, but years later, it popped up as I began researching and studying our beautiful Flat Earth, and I knew he was right! But how could this be? We were TOLD we landed on the moon. 100's even 1000's of people WATCHED it on the TEL-A-VISION back in 1969, right? (before my time.... lol) The TV "PROGRAM" from wonderful NASA had shown us all the photos and videos of Neil Armstong's famous quote, right? And don't forget about his side kick, Buzz Lightyear... humm, I mean, Aldrin. Enter Operation Paperclip and Von Braun who was a member of the Nazi Party and an SS officer. (We will talk about him again in a later lesson) Yep that's right! MAN told us all that we needed to know about APOLLO. (definition: the ancient Greek and Roman god of light,) HOW about hearing from GOD, our FATHER?! WHAT does he say about the moon? Genesis 1:16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. How can you land on a light? A light? But the moon receives its light from the sun, right? WRONG! That is just one more thing we were "taught"...from man! I hope you open the below source, but as you do, think of some of these basic questions. So again I ask, how can you land on a ROUND light? Ask yourself: “Why are there no stars in any of the photos?” “Who was filming Neil Armstrong stepping onto the Moon, if he was the first one to land on it?” “The American flag was flapping, but where does the wind come from?” Source: Again and as always, pray and ask God to show you HIS word!

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