Today's lesson, once again is a thinker! The following 2 min clip shows this man's research of his belief for NASA being DISNEY and DISNEY being NASA. What a thought! In my opinion, with the history I've learned and often share here. I believe what he is sharing to be... pretty spot on.
This meme below.... sums it's up :)
There are several companies that show their logos with a representation of the FIRMAMENT. (see the image below).
If you are new to the blog, let me share with you one bible verse that speaks about the FIRMAMENT.
Psalms 19: 1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Oh and by the way, Wernher von Braun had Psalms 19:1 on his tombstone. Who is this man, you asked? Wernher von Braun, was a German-American Aerospace Engineer and Space Architect. He also just happen to be a Nazi Soldier back in the day.
However, it is said, he became a Christian, near the end of his life and the tombstone verse, is proof he knew the truth all along.