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Funny. But … is it true?

I wasn't able to get a post done last Wednesday as I was out of town, but I was given this clip this past week and wanted to share and put a little twist on it.

Even though this was a "funny" clip, I can't but help think on how "FACTUAL" this man's points are, that he tried to make to the police officer. What I mean is, those numbers he says, we have been told throughout all of our lives, and we have believed those numbers to be facts for most of our lives. Until some of us have woken up to the truth.

When you stop and listen to those numbers, it makes me think of more questions in my mind. Like, how do they know we are supposedly going that speed? Who is calculating it and how are they doing the calculation?

A simple but profound one, is "why?" "why have they wanted us to believe their lies by pushing this "globe" agenda onto us?" That one is probably easiest for any of us that are alert to God's Creation to answer and that is, because the more 'they' can get us to not focus on the creation, the more control they have over us and put a wedge between us and Father God. They think they are gods.

Furthermore, I don't know about you, but I am tired of seeing so many pastors believe this lie of the enemy's too. They are no different to being exempt from a sinful nature. It's time for us to start asking people why they don't want to believe in a flat earth. Why does this subject have to be such a hush hush topic? If we are going to say God's Word is truth and God-breathed then we have to start sharing ALL OF IT and I for one, am needing to do more of that beyond on here.

However, I am so grateful I have this blog to share my freedom of speech to get HIS Truth out.

With that said, please share this blog site with others in your life.

Remember STLT is also on Instragram.

I ask for you to please share.

Thank you!

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

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