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Sep 11

Hello…. Just a heads up my schedule recently changed, as it commonly does each month, and why it’s been over a week since our last lesson. For this month, I may not be able to post until into the later part of the week. I look forward to the lessons and not until the day of, do I know exactly what I will be sharing. I pray and most times a topic pops in. However, please comment on any of the posted lessons, if you would like to see something in particular explored.

Yesterday I was with someone that said the following “…. As the moon goes around, and we go around….” I stopped him right there and I gave a puzzled look. I said, “well that is 2 different things, but we don’t have the time to go into that subject.”

My question to you is, what was “wrong” about his statement? He was contradicting himself, wasn’t he? How can the beliefs of the moon AND “we” go around at the same time? Simple! We have been taught (programmed) to think/believe this for decades, right?! That “we” go around and the moon goes “around”, yet the sun is stationary! HUMMM? Has anyone else caught that contradiction?

The following silent short 19-second video shows beauty and in fact, WE are stationary.

(Note: I do regret not having the original source to this video. This was given to me over a year ago, and it resurfaced to me, just a month ago again. However, you can simply explore reliable search engines, for people sharing similar high powered lenses with time lapsed photos/videos).

QUESTION: Can the earth shake, if we are spinning around the sun? So we feel earthquakes, right? Why then do we not feel the so called spinning? Have you ever asked those simple questions?

Then the earth shook and trembled; The foundations of heaven quaked and were shaken, Because He was angry.

Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.

Psalm 18:7 Then the earth shook and trembled; The foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken, Because He was angry.

(shared the 19 second video of stars, etc. spinning)

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