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Jan. 10, 2022

Have you ever just sat and thought, what is an Eclipse?

Let me ask it this way and take you back to Aug. 2017 here in Tennessee for a moment. We had experienced a complete totality that day of a solar eclipse. If you can tell me that the moon is "blocking" out the sun's light even for a few minutes, and saw darkness in the middle of the day and I am TOLD I am on the earth, watching this, which by the way, I’m standing on this earth which is orbiting around the sun, then how is a complete Solar Eclipse even possible on a globe?

Well if you don’t believe me about living on a flat earth and an eclipse is another proof that we do NOT spin around the sun, maybe we should see "what" O’trustee Pope Francis, a Jesuit, along with this article writer, has to say. (can you hear my sarcasm? I sure hope so. I wouldn’t trust this dude if you paid me. Or any Jesuit for that matter, but that is another subject for a different day.)

I had to stop reading at: “…because of course it is an American event. It is not a European event.” Wait! What?

Let’s finish tonight’s lesson with this bible verse. It may not be completely fitting for an eclipse lesson. That’s probably because the word doesn’t exist in the bible. However, there was a day the sun and moon stopped.

Joshua 10:13 So the sun stood still, And the moon stopped, Till the people had revenge Upon their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.

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