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Buzz Lightyear... I Mean Buzz Aldrin

Do you STILL believe we went to the moon? If so, you may want to continue to look at today's post and throughout this blog and study our so called "moon landing".

A few questions you may want to ask yourself are:

  1. With our advancements in technology, as years have gone on, why haven't we returned to the moon?

  2. What was THE ONE AND ONLY time we "went to the moon's" purpose, to never need to have a trip back?

  3. Who took the pictures of the first man on the moon, if he was the first man on the moon? What Buzz has to say about it? (short verison)

Psalm 19:1 New King James Version

The Perfect Revelation of the Lord To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.

19 The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.

The Moon Filming

This meme does have a good point!

(Note: above statement is not determined to be actual said comment)

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