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Blue Skies

Aug 4, 2021

Lesson #2: So last week, I left you with the study question, "have you ever wondered why the sky is blue?"

This week, let's go into the next set of verses to see what the word say.

9 Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. 10 And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. And God saw that it was good.

Like many children, I remember asking that question, why is the sky blue? Well, if our water (oceans, seas, etc. are seemingly blue), then this would make sense to me why the sky is blue. God shared in vs 9 let the WATERS under the heavens be gathered.

Critically think.... is the sky blue because HIS word says, it is waters?

Ask God to show you what He wants you to see. Ask for discernment and to comprehend His scripture.

Study Verses: Last week's vs. 1:6-8 along with this week's verses 1:9-10 and really look at each word. Repeat the reading and dwell on it for a moment.

I look forward to get out more than one lesson a week, to the best of my ability, so immediately after this post, I'll be heading right into another lesson.

I hope you are off to a good start learning what may be new to you, but has been since creation by our Father in Heaven.

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