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A Light. A Ball. Moon Landing.

Oct 1. 2021

Let's talk about the Tel-A-Vision for a minute, shall we?! There is always a "show" to watch. "Programs" have been on for decades.

Genesis 1:16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.

Can you land on a LIGHT? (the Moon) Can you balance on a "ball"? (the Moon) The moon is a light! It is NOT reflecting off of the sun as we are TOLD! Ask yourself if they landed on the moon, who was taking the pictures if Neil Armstrong was the first one to step on it?

As always, please pray and discern to hear what God is telling you, as you read through these lessons and read his word that is applied to each posted lesson. Dig and give feedback. If you don't agree with my posts, prove to me God's Holy Word says differently.

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