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A Journey To The Firmament

I came across this short 9:15 video today! Once again, another piece of information that shows me proofs of God's creation verses what we have been TOLD.

Before you view it, I want to make some points for you to watch out for.

  • At 2:47 minute mark you will hear the narrator speak 1957, yet the paper he shows, reads 4 Nov 52 and highlights 1953. I believe this is just a mistake on his part.

  • 3:30 minute mark Tower of Babel - pause and let that statement on the screen sink in for a moment. Ask yourself: when was the Tower of Babel? Answer: Yeah I thought so....BIBLE times!

  • 3:45 minute mark reads Dominic - means "of the Lord" Operation Dominic was part of Operation Fishbowl in1962 (post WWII)

Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God;

And the firmament shows His handiwork.

  • 4:12-4:22 Do you hear a lady's voice in the background? Who is that? Yep, H. Clinton. She was stating in one of her speeches about breaking THAT glass ceiling. Most people were probably not thinking on the same line that she was referring to... the Firmament.

  • 4:41 minute mark watch the Ripple Effect We have talked about it here in the blog before and it's always good to refer back to it. This verse alone answers why we have blue skies!

Genesis 1:6-7 6 God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” 7 Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so.

  • 5:35 minute mark - Question: are we sure there is a Halley's Comet every 75-76 years? Think on that. Mark 13:24-25 These verses talk about "The Coming of the Son of Man" 24 “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.

  1. If we are yet to have the Coming of the Son of Man, and are told by God's word in vs. 25 the stars of heaven will fall... have we truly seen any star "fall" in our lifetime? You be your own judge. It's just a rhetorical question. To me I think we truly do not know if it is HALLEY's COMET and if it is every 76 years because we are TOLD we will only see this comet once in our lifetime. It was discovered in1758. The last time it was seen was 1986. But the photo in today's video is credited by NASA. And we have had other blog lessons about NASA. Yeah, I will just let that one sink in for a minute.

Psalm 147:4 He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name.

  • 5:41 minute mark - Fountains of Great Deep??

Genesis 7:11 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Genesis 8:2 2 The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were also stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained.

  • 6:24 minute mark. Point Nemo Graveyard So far off the grid that NO ONE should go there. Humm..(just DDG it or google it.)

  • 7:00 minute mark- we have seen this video before. It always makes me intrigued.

  • 7:59 minute mark-reflection off of the firmament with rainbow like appearance. A rainbow appears when there is water, light and glass.

  • 8:05 minute mark-perspective of the sun rising

Ecclesiastes 1:5 The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, And hastens to the place where it arose.

  • Please watch till the very end. If you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and receiving the Father's Love for you, please reach out to someone. The team here at Sky's The Limit Truth will also be happy to help and guide you. Send us an email at

As always, please do your own research and if you have anything you want to challenge with on any blog post, please send an email.

Now here is the video! (Link below.)

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