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50 Year Old Technology

Jan. 15, 2022

The below info is directly from a Telegram account. No revisions have been made.

Wake up//

50 years ago.. NASA had technology in Shuttle crafts to travel 230,000 miles away to the moon..... This Shuttle needed only one tank of gas and could easily (supposedly) travel through the Van Allen radiation belt with no problems//// today [they] ,[NASA] can and has ONLY travel 1/Thousandth of the distance since 50 years ago.. back then [they] had technology that was only 1/millionth as strong and capable of today's Smart phone... ///Today all EVIDENCE of APOLLO 11 Shuttle craft/ blue prints and original videos have been destroyed....(nothing has been saved from this historic journey and records)... All that remains are edited videos of a moon landing that shows three different shadows from the different lighting sources in some clips.... No stars in the back ground..(later added)/// Only one photo of EARTH was made public for 50 years... The astronauts were WARNED not to give interviews <<<and seldom do.... ////By FACT.. If NASA did go to moon 50 years ago... They would would have technology and videos to this day of life traveling to MARS & beyond now... But NASA can't even duplicate their APOLLO 11 journey , even with the most sophisticated computers and technology to this day that is 1 million times stronger than in 1969/////...

>All APOLLO 11 equipment DESTROYED >DESTROYED all original video Tapes >Original Blue prints //( No one would ever do this destruction of a historical land mark and journey in U.S. /World history...>>>Unless they were destroying evidence<<)

Today you can't get good phone service in the forest or far from the city in high terrains or canyons or the oceans....//// But evidently back in 1969 you had perfect technology to speak with astronauts 150,000 miles away????/////

))) There is footage coming out by NASA whistleblowers who have LEAKED the fake videos of APOLLO 11. Astronauts pretending to be traveling half way to the moon<<<

The Radiation Field between the Earth is moon i25,000 miles think... And to this day they don't have the technology to travel through the radition belt >> >>NASA Astronauts Col. Terry Virts, Dr. Kathleen Rubins, and Dr. Kelly Smith (NASA Engineer) say in official NASA videos that no one has gone beyond low Earth orbit yet, through the Van Allen Belts of dangerous radiation. This means no one has landed on the Moon yet. //// (Now all three NASA employees are banned from talking to the public)....

+Think>> how can a small Space Shuttle LEAVE the Earth. Which is spinning 1000 miles on it's axis and flying the through the universe at 4× times the speed of a bullet>>>> how does a NASA shuttle leave Earth to travel a half million miles round trip on a tank of gas>> make through 25,000 miles of radition belt, have perfect radio communication in 1969 when NASA only had less than 1/millionth of computing power of today's Smart phone.... Why was all EVIDENCE of APOLLO 11 destroyed???? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>This isn't about an another ELECTION<<<This about the END GAME<<<|||| OF THE FALSE LIES OF THE CABAL AND FALL OF DEEP STATE>>> NASA> CIA> WORLD BANKS . BIG PHARMA.. BIG TECH. EXT EXT.EXTMEXT.


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